Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oh Irene.......

This past week was a trying week for many in Connecticut as we faced days and nights without electricity.  I did not have power for 5 days, but was fortunate enough to have running water, so for me it was like luxurious camping.  My parents, on the other hand, did not get their power back until 4pm today (almost 8 complete days).

It was an interesting test as to how we adjust when there is a big change to our daily lives or habits.  From the conversations I had and from my own personal experience, it wasn't a welcomed circumstance, but in the big picture perspective more like a major inconvenience.  Yet some peoples reactions were for more traumatic.  Some people who lost homes understood they at least had their lives and families.  So perspective was definitely an individual reaction.

We never know what someone else is experiencing or how they process situations, but one thing is for sure everyone's experience of the past week was vastly different.  No right or wrong, just different.  How you responded this week or how you put things in perspective can give you insight as to; how you are in general.  how you handle stress, what's important you, what can you handle when things are tough, what could you live with or without, how prepared were you.

Take a moment to look back over the past week - what are some of the answers to these questions?  What did you learn about yourself?  What did you like, what alarmed you, what were you able to handle that you wouldn't have known about otherwise, what was something you just had to have (I heard many talk about their morning coffee), how did change affect you, how did the unknowing (of when the power would be on) affect you?  How would you describe yourself today compared to the person that went to bed last Saturday night?

We  can all say goodbye to Irene, but she may have taught us some things we would have never had the opportunity to learn about ourselves otherwise.  We may have met neighbors or talked with people that normally we might just pass by.  We also all probably learned we take many things for granted (water, electricity, phone), aren't as prepared as we thought we were (like the emergency kits we "should" have), and that slowing down once in awhile and turning off the electronic world is survivable.

So goodbye Irene, you will not soon be forgotten, for many reasons. Yet in some small way, I'm glad you came.  Although next time, no visit is necessary, just call.

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