Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When in Doubt, Walk It Out

I have found that when you have an issue you're struggling with, having trouble making a decision, or are feeling blocked - walking it out seems to bring me a clearer mind and perspective.  Instead of sitting and stewing over whatever it is you're dealing with, take a walk.  We have all heard about the endorphins that are released through exercise and it's true.  Taking, even a light 15-20 minute walk, can produce a positive physiological feeling that can help you power through.  As well, the quiet time of focusing on something else (like walking and what's around you) may bring the answer you've been so struggling to find because you're no longer pressing the issue.

Being outdoors is aesthetically pleasing, refreshing, and coupled with the physical activity, very energizing.  And if the answer doesn't come in that time, at least you will have done something positive for yourself.  Ultimately, that will help you in everything you do. 

In this fast paced world we live in, it is even more important to slow down and take time for yourself.  So the next time you just feel you need "something", go take a walk - look up at the sky - watch the birds - listen to the crunch of leaves under your feet - breathe deep - and just walk. 

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