Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is Your Story?

I have not been an overly religious person, but I have come to study, believe, and realize how important it is to have spirituality within your life.  "Spirituality is the concept of an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the "deepest values and meanings by which people live" (Wikipedia definition).
Spirituality is an individualized practice for you to find and live by your beliefs.  There are numerous ways to learn and practice spirituality and many who have written about it.  One particular series of books is by Ester Hicks and her Law of Attraction books.  I feel the Law of Attraction is relevant when coupled with action.  Just wishing for and thinking about won't just produce results.  It does require you to be an active participant, yet it does all start with WHAT and  HOW you think about yourself and your life.  The words you use, the actions you take.
In Hicks books she talks about channeling (another aspect to one's belief system) Abraham, a spiritual leader from c. 1800 B.C. Her books reflect his thoughts and teachings from a very enlightened place and that we are the drivers of our own destiny.  Below is just one small excerpt from one of her books and is the basis for this post.  Mainly because it so well summarizes how valuable it is to know our thoughts are the basis to our lives.  What we think will be.  So please read, re-read, and reflect these thoughts and decide what is your story?
As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.
There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Food for Thought

Here are a few quotes that are meant to inspire and keep you moving towards your goals;

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." -  
William Feather 
Think about something you have continued to work hard on or towards when others have thrown in the towel. 

 “Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.”  - Author Unknown 
In life there are no mistakes yet there are also no do-overs - so whatever you choose to do, do it with intention, with purpose, and conviction.   There is no "take 2".

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt
So many times we want anything but what we have or be where we are.  This thinking will only leave you feeling empty.  Take stock in who you are and embrace all of you and you'll accomplish and have far more than if look outside for something more.  You already have all you need.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Think Big, Start Small

"The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into
small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." - Mark Twain

If you have a project you want to complete or a goal to accomplish it is important to have the end in mind, but you need to break down the tasks or else you'll feel overwhelmed and most likely fail to reach your goal.  If you follow the SMART principle for goal setting you'll set yourself up for greater success.
The SMART principle; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, Time-oriented - Use these as guidelines, break the tasks down and get started down the road to success of whatever you choose.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

100 Days to My Goal

My birthday is September 22nd and I actually learned a little fact this year that I never knew.  On Sept. 22nd there are 100 days left to the year.  I was really intrigued by this to make a goal for myself to accomplish in those 100 days.  I was intrigued by this 100 days because when a President takes office, ever since FDR even though it's often credited to JFK, there is this expectation for leaders across the world to show what they can do with their own first 100 days.

To be quite honest, I'm not sure it's a great idea for countries to be so aggressive, but for the rest of us setting a 100 day goal is a great idea.  One specific reason is the difference between a dream and a goal is a specific date. A date is concrete, it is specific, it creates a call for action.  A dream is filled with hopes, wants, and wonder, but nothing solid to stand on.  Many goals, probably most goals start with a dream.  Those thoughts where we imagine, wonder, and ponder all the possibilities before us, but if we never move from these we'll only ever have thoughts.  100 days is a tangible and realistic length of time to accomplish many types of things.  Now it may not be enough time for writing a book, losing more than 25lbs, or being ready to climb Mt. Everest, but it can be enough to reach a noteworthy fitness goal, improve a specific part of your business or job, lose 10-20lbs safely, or complete a home project.  

So we take these thoughts and start to make a plan and set that goal with specific pros and cons, challenges and solutions, steps, actions, and very importantly, dates.  These help make us accountable.  It is also important to share this goal with someone who will support you and can assist in the accountability check-in.

As of today, October 3rd there are 89 days, 2141 hours, and 128434 minutes left.  There may not be 100 days left, but there is certainly enough time to accomplish many of the ideas listed above or so many other limitless possibilities.  

All you have to do to start is take that dream and create an "I will" statement.  Such as I will lose lose 10 pounds by December 31, 2012.  Then 3 actions you will take this coming week that are realistic and reachable, but be mindful that they are absolutely doable for you.  If you look to far out in front you may get overwhelmed and throw in the towel before you've even begun.  Week two, evaluate what did and didn't work, reassess, then make 3 more for the following week.  Some of which may be the same ones, they may all be the same ones. This is the critical step to not judge your progress of the 1st week, but evaluate it, then move forward.  Judgement and feelings of failure is what makes us quit so quickly.  By breaking down each week with accomplish-able tasks you stay focused on the now and not be overwhelmed by the final goal.  A great quote I love sums this up perfectly "Many of life's failures occur when people give up without realizing how close they are to success" Unknown.  If more people gave it one more day, one more push, one more get up and brush off, people would get exactly what they're working for.

Go ahead and take on the next 89 days.  Oh yes, you may be wondering what was the goal I set for myself back on September 22nd.  My goal is to have 5 new coaching clients by December 31, 2012.  Why is this my goal.  It is my goal quite simply because I love coaching, I believe in it's power to re-shape lives, and want to help others discover their own endless possibilities.

November 27, 2012 Update - 35 days to go - I am so very close to my goal.  There have been both positives and negatives, but the important aspect is I continue to work and push forward towards the end of THIS particular goal.

So I ask you - what goal did you set for yourself?  How committed have you been towards working for your results?  What has worked, what hasn't worked?  What can you do to make sure it happens?  Keep pushing, keep believing, and keep working.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Why Do I Play?

How often have you asked yourself the question, "why do I play"?  For most, I bet the answer is not often or never because there isn't usually a reason to ask.  We started playing at a young age because it was the thing to do, it got us involved and active, or quite simply, your parents just signed you up.  But knowing why you play is important towards creating your success.  When you have an intention for what you do and know what you want from what you're choosing to do, you perform with more purpose.  You'll practice harder, you'll focus better, and you'll enjoy it more.  You'll shift from going through the motions because it's what you've always done to connecting to your passion for the sport.  So before your next practice, race, or game ask yourself "why do you I play"?  You may be not only be surprised by the answer, but even more so from the result. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Learning from Ourselves

Today I learned a great lesson from myself  that reinforces - "thinkin ain't doin".  An expression my former college softball coach Clyde Washburn use to always say.  It's not an Earth shattering lesson, but just a gentle reminder that we need to stay on top of things or else time will quickly pass.  Here I have this blog and it is something I enjoy and want to use to help educate, inspire, and share stories and thoughts that may give someone a moment of inspiration or an "ah ha" moment.  Yet - I am always thinking about writing or posting, but then I forget to or get distracted, or say I'll do it tomorrow.  Next thing you know, it's been months since I've been here.  So as I now write this I remind myself how important it is to stay accountable to ourselves and stay  focused on the things we like and enjoy.  Making sure we take time for the likes just as much as we do for the have to's.  It's when we forget to take care of ourselves that our lives get out of alignment.  So take a moment to look at what you like to do, but have been "forgetting" to do.  Then, plan some times for yourself to do that this weekend.  Because remember "thinkin ain't doin".

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eastern CT. State Univ. Alumni Day Magic

Today was alumni day for the softball program at Eastern Connecticut State University. A program that has 5 National Championships & a very good chance for another title this year. Yet as we were all there reminiscing about the good ol' days it wasn't about the wins & very few losses. It was about the memories, the laughs, the tears, the kids we were then & the women we've become. There is a bond we all have that no one can ever take away. A bond created around a single white ball (that's what color it use to be) that allowed all of us to experience such great successes & even better relationships. Today so much of sport is driven by money, by notoriety, by the desire for fame. We were driven to be our best, do our best, search for the "Warrior" within & know that if you gave it your all everyday, the process would take care of the outcome. All of us there today have gone on to live separate lives, yet we are never far apart because we know we are a part of something greater than any one individual. Sports can & should be this kind of unifying force. Play for the passion, play for the learning, play for the competition, play to be better tomorrow than you are today, and play so you can develop life long relationships like we have all been so fortunate to experience at ECSU - Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

February Is Very Near

In one week, we will already be into February.  So quickly a month has gone by, the holidays have faded into memory, and Valentines Day will soon be before us.  During this next week, it would be a great time to take a few moments each day to check back in with yourself  to see if you are still maintaining the intentions you set for yourself for 2012.  If you are still moving forward and following the intentions you set for yourself, kudos to you and keep moving one day at a time.  If you have slipped or those intentions are packed away like the ornaments, it's ok because each day you have an opportunity to begin again.  Take a moment, re-commit whatever it is you want for yourself and take it one day at a time.  You see the common theme here is, one day at a time - it's all you can ask of yourself.  Each day represents whatever it is you want it to be and tomorrow it begins again with a new slate.  So each day you can begin again with your New Year's Resolutions (although I prefer intentions).  Breathe deep and go live an empowered 2012.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stop Blaming Your Past

The past is a trail you leave behind, much like the wake of a speedboat. That is, it's a vanishing trail temporarily showing you where you were. The wake of a boat doesn't affect it's course--obviously it can't since it appears behind the boat. So consider this image when you exclaim that your past is the reason you aren't moving forward.      From -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Saturday, January 14, 2012

One More Answer

One question that was asked today in which I want to expand on - The question asked; at what level did I enjoy coaching the most? My answer was Div. I while we had low # of scholarships because I knew the kids coming to play were there because they loved to play & it was about softball & not the money. NOW to expand on that (which came to me driving home) it was also DI because of how much time we had with the athletes. The focus was on the players & helping them get better & grow on the field, in the classroom, and as people for nine months of the year. In Div II & III your time with the athletes & allowable contact is greatly reduced which I did not like in comparison. It was actually this same fact that made the transition to coaching in High School incredibly difficult especially since I do not teach in the school. SO for kids looking at schools & going through this recruiting process, that is a big component to consider - how much time with your coach & team do you want to commit because it varies greatly between divisions.

Recruiting Seminar Went Well

Recruiting Seminar today at Fastpitch Nation went real well - the players were very attentive and left with lots of information. Love talking with athletes and helping them learn about all the complexities of the recruiting process.